UPDATE: The hilarious king of comedy timing, Gerry Masi, is the guest teacher in the next comedy course in Adelaide, March 3-7 2019. I’ll be facilitating this course and would love to see you there. Book your place for the School Of Hard Knock Knocks Mar 3-7 in Adelaide.
I never got to study with the late, great, Dave Flanagan but he would have been my choice if I’d have been brave enough to learn stand up comedy in Adelaide while he was still with us.
I saw him perform often and would try to channel him as I ran my 1000+ marketing workshops (they were more like intuitive, improv/stand up sessions). See video below.
But it wasn’t until Morry Morgan reached out to me through the Adelaide Show Podcast that I discovered the School Of Hard Knock Knocks and then built up the courage to take that first step into stand up.
Book now to learn stand up comedy in Adelaide, December 2018
The stagewise insights of master comedian, performer, and director, Glynn Nicholas
While the School’s curriculum covers the gamut of stand up comedy information, it’s the teacher who provides the powerful, personal coaching and encouragement.
I was lucky to have one of my idols, Glynn Nicholas, teach my first and second School Of Hard Knocks Knocks course, and this December (2018), you get to have this experience, too.
There’s a reason Glynn Nicholas is sought after for comedy coaching.
Glynn has an absolute knack for observing everything on stage and then making suggestions about wording, phrasing, timing, and movement that bring elegance and focus to your performance.
And he does this in a gentle, quiet manner that nurtures you through this incredible growth experience. See some classic Glynn, below.
As a bonus, you also get to meet and perform with The Beautiful Bogan, Marc Ryan, who will have much to say about his Raw Comedy successes, I am sure. See video below.
Learn stand up comedy in Adelaide and be nervous!
You will be bloody nervous on day one, I assure you. But it is worth every heart-racing second because everybody will be the same.
The other thing I can promise is that this experience will bond you with your cohorts.
I have forged enduring relationships with almost everybody in the two courses I have done; I suppose that happens when a group of people endure trauma together, even self-induced trauma with a happy ending.
And there’s nothing like taking to the stage in front of a crowd of people all supporting you and the other students, and delivering your first comedy set.
It is the best way to take your first step into stand up comedy.
And, training through the School opens doors to other opportunities such as me being part of the Is This Thing On TV show which was shot in Melbourne.
Please grab a friend and join together while you can. Only 10 spaces. Book now to learn stand up comedy in Adelaide, December 2018
Some comedy videos to whet your appetite
Dave Flanagan on SA Life, 2015
Glynn Nicholas on The Big Gig, 1989
Marc Ryan at the Raw Comedy Final, Melbourne, 2014