Online Insights on fiveAA, Sunday, July 01, 2007

July 1, 2007

World War Two in Colour
For so many years, historians and casual observers alike have observed the events of World War II through faded black and white images. What most people do not know is the fact that quite a large portion of the WWII was shot using color film! However, it wasn’t until recently that a lot of the photographs and motion picture footage was de-classified by the U.S. Government. We don’t just have a collection of U.S. images, but we also have a diverse collection of German, Russian, Japanese, British and Italian photos. View our picture gallery to see them!
As the creator of, it is my hope that this database of color images serve as a constant reminder of the trying times that swept the world in the mid-20th century. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, it is the colored ones that bring us one step closer to the reality of this historic point in time.

Innocent English
I havent done one of these sites for a while. This is a collection of poorly written classified ads, signs, and directions.
Classified: Full size mattress, Royal Tonic, 20 year warranty. Like New. Slight urine smell. $40.
Airport sign in an Asian country. The English translation says: For Restrooms, go back toward your behind.
Vietnamese Restaurant: The dish, Ta-Chien Gai. The ingredients – Sliced children with brocolli, snow peas, carrots, water chestnuts.
Clothing label from a small US firm that sells its garments in France: Normal care instructions such as wash with warm water, dry flat, etc. At the bottom there are two extra lines – We are sorry that out president is an idiot. We did not vote for him.

VTV Rider
VTV rider is a compelling collaboration between two south australian doctors who are using You Tube as an outlet for their creativity. One is Alex Nakone who is the cinematographer and editor of the duo. He was once a partner in a video production company in Adelaide, while he was studying for his medical degree – now he is our very own scott hicks. His work is stimulating and creative and the images he creates look like they were shot with huge budges. The other half of this duo is John C Williams who is a doctor who is a jazz musician at heart. His compositions are classy and meditative.
I believe John is based on the Far West Coast – so a lot of their locations are shot in beautiful SA country.
Calling Me, Calling You  A lone guitarist walks through a desert and plays his guitar. His melody changes the clouds above into an aurora and he is transported to another world. In the end he finds himself still in the desert
Beautful View 2 – great coastline.

Personal Development with the Ririan Project
The Ririan Project is about creating a new life, creating a brand new life that represents maximum achievement and inner peace, a life that has balance in all it’s areas.
Personal development is hard work, so don’t look for shallow quick fixes.
Instead here you will learn practical ideas to make important changes in your life, both big and small, so you can get your life on track and start living up to your true potential.
My name is Ririan, and I am a student in Bucharest, Romania. I read books, blogs and websites about productivity, personal development, health, nutrition, leadership and GTD. And while you may not have the same obsessive passion for personal development that I do, I hope that I can share my own personal experiences that will help you make steps towards creating a better life, day by day.

15 Extra Ways

to Keep Your Brain In Shape –
Hit the streets (Uni of Illinois found 3 hours of aerobic activity a week increases brain volume and white matter – which helps with connections between neurons),
Engage in debate (Call in to Dave for a lively discussion because it can be invigorating. As long as you avoid letting it digress into an argument. Playing with your brain stimulates blood flow and strengthens the connections (synapses) between nerve cells in the brain. You’ll practice your quick thinking skills, logic and creativity. And developing convincing theories on the spot will help you in your career and in your personal relationships),
Others include playing pool, playing an instrument, even playing a playstation can be useful (The University of Rochester, New York, says gamers can read the newspaper, recognize a scene or pick out facial features faster in between dealing with killer aliens)
Other posts on the blog cover subjects like: How to Sleep More Effectively, Starting Tonight , 19 Battlefield Tips to Survive Stress at Work, 5 Back-to-Basics Strategies For Renewing Your Energy

Calorie King Australia
On the calorie King site you simply type in the item of food you’d like for lunch or a snack and you will get the calories, fat content and more. Almost any item available in Australia appears on this comprehensive site.
For every item it gives you the fat content, sugar content, carb content, sodium content, etc. Plus a breakdown of the energy – whether its energy comes from fat, carbs, protein, etc.
Most foods have a calorie density rating – The calorie density (or energy density) of a food is a measurement of the average calories per gram of that food. It is useful in that it is a way of comparing the number of calories gained from equal volumes of different foods. For example, 100g of chocolate has far more calories than 100g of lettuce. This means that chocolate has a higher calorie density than lettuce. The biggest factor in determining calorie density is the water content of a food. Water increases volume without adding calories.
Calorie density of foods influences hunger, satiety and food intake. By eating foods with lower calorie density, you will feel full – but have eaten fewer calories.
For example – my favourite tuna with sun dried capsicum and chilli – delivers 12% of my daily fat allowance, and 9% of my sodium intake which is scary – but just under half the energy comes from protein which is the reason i eat it.
However, if i change to the tuna with lemon – it carries just 6% of the sodium intake and only 1% of fat intake – and 90% of the energy comes from protein.
Then there is a recipe finder. Type in a dish or ingredient, and get cooking ideas.
I typed in risotto – and found pumpkin and almond risotto. I normally do roast pumpkin and mushroom – but this one souds fab. Those almonds add a bit of crunch.
As you find good recipes, you can become a site member and store them in your very own, online, recipe book.
AND – you get a nutrition breakdown of each recipe, along with preparation time and cooking time.