Full marks to Jordan Roberts (singer) and Simon Koop (guitarist) for deciding to tackle the great master of poetic music, Leonard Cohen. (This is where I need to declare that I am a Leonard Cohen fan)
This show left me conflicted. On one hand, Jordan has a beautiful voice, which often threatens to break free. I look forward to hearing her in a few years when she has mastered it further.
However, the performance was derailed by choreography that had all the hallmarks of being devised in a bedroom mirror. There was a little hand movement or gesture to illustrate most lines of most songs. This was too much, almost sickly sweet. My suggestion, should this show be further developed, is to hire a director to give impartial, professional feedback on stage presence – the payoff would be substantial because the show does have a sound core.
Some of the phrasing used was intriguing and brave, and Jordan’s insights into her Leonard Cohen journey were engaging.